From 2008 to the end of 2016, I published a monthly newsletter on a writing or editing topic. I took a sabbatical to focus on writing and promoting my book (more about it, including subscribing to another e-newsletter, here).
You can search through past issues or, if you need more information about anything I covered, contact me directly.
Each month, one topic to improve your writing.
Ease in Writing: Newsletter
Scan the topics below, or search for a specific topic. You can also browse the Archives.
Ease in Writing: The Book
In 2013, I compiled many of these newsletters into an e-book. Download it as a PDF or read it on Issuu.
Browse By Month OR Topic
July 2016: Meeting a Deadline
June 2016: May I Quote You?
May 2016: Fruitful Interviewing
April 2016: Giving--and Getting--Good Feedback on Your Writing
March 2016: Six Questions for Writing Success
February 2016: Writers and Designers: Working Together
December 2015: A Year of Writing Tips
November 2015: Writing to Raise Money
October 15: Managing Your E-Files for Writing Success
September 2015: Investing in a Writer? Make It Worthwhile
July 2015: Using Quotations Effectively
June 2015: Takeaways from Three Writers Conferences
May 2015: Meeting Deadlines: Eight Tips
April 2015: Long-Form Content
March 2015: Writing: When It Flows and When It Doesn't
February 2015: UX: 5 Takeaways for Content
January 2015: Write-able Resolutions for 2015
November 2014: Writing a Killer Resume
October 2014: Pitching with Editorial Calendars
September 2014: Creating an Editorial Calendar--and Keeping It
August 2014: Julia Wilbur: Of Death and Diaries
July 2014: How to Develop a Living, Breathing Style Guide
June 2014: One-on-One Writing Tutoring: What to Expect
May 2014: Content Curation
April 2014: Effective Online Marketing
March 2014: Content Strategy
February 2014: Infographics: The Writer's Role
November 2013: Powerful Policy Briefs: 10 Tips
October 2013: The Last Look (ProofreadingBasics)
September 2013: Writing for Effective Adult Learning
August 2013: Julia & Paula: An Update
July 2013: Slip Sheets
June 2013: Copyrights
May 2013: Twitter Tips for Writers and Editors
April 2013: Search Engine Optimization
March 2013: Grammar for Multilingual Authors
February 2013: Writing Tips for Multilingual Authors
November 2012: Website Usability
October 2012: Press Releases
September 2012: Effective E-mails
August 2012: Julia Wilbur
July 2012: Plain Writing
June 2012: Building an Audience for Your Blog
May 2012: Building Better Blogs
April 2012: Writing Website Bios
March 2012: Writing Fabulous FAQs
February 2012: Writing "About Us"
November 2011: Feedback on Your Writing
October 2011: Writing for Mobile Devices
September 2011: E-Newsletter Best Practices
August 2011: Writers Never "Vacate"
June 2011: Full Circle Turns 15!
May 2011: Co-Authoring Without Going Crazy
April 2011: Three Punctuation Problems--Solved!
March 2011: DIY Writers' Retreat
February 2011: Writing in Someone Else's Voice
November 2010: Preparing a Professional Podcast
October 2010: How to Write an Op-Ed
September 2010: Search Less, Write More
August 2010: De-Clutter for Better Writing
July 2010: Tighten Up Your Writing, Part 2
June 2010: Tighten Up Your Writing, Part 1
May 2010: Writing Under a Deadline
April 2010: Writing Surveys You'll Really Use
March 2010: Overcoming writer's block
February 2010: Writing coaches
January 2010: About that annual report
November 2009: Building a better brochure
October 2009: How long will it take to write?
September 2009: How long with it take to edit?
August 2009: Daydreaming to improve your writing
July 2009: Federal proposal writing
June 2009: Meeting summaries that meet your needs
May 2009: Writing up a retreat or other creative meeting
April 2009: Web writing re-visited
March 2009: Quoting other people
Reminder: If you like what you see, sign up for a free subscription!